Try to get into this!
Henselstone prides itself as a company that makes sure that the bad guys stay out. All windows and doors have multiple locking systems and pry resistant hinges as a standard. A patented GVS hardware (counter directional locking system) is unique to our windows. The harder you pry, the tighter our windows lock! Our options include additional locks within the multiple point locking mechanism, security glass, and extra heavy door hinges for added security. We also offer alarm system components in the glass and locks. Our products are recommended by the German equivalent of the FBI as "burglar resistant."
See pictures of a competition where our installers, all trained on this particular product had 20 minutes time, a drill, wedge, crow bar and hammer, to break through this security window (standard hurricane spec) to get 200 Euros placed on the inside of this window. No chance! Try this with one of our competitor's windows!